Sunday 21 November 2010

In step 4, Endo, poor & adhesions removed = pregnancy! Thomas l. Lyon, MD ...-PR Web (press release)

Endometriosis can have the role of infertility, but it is not the primary issue to prevent women than conceiving, says Dr. Thomas l. Lyons Center women's Care & reproductive function Surgery Atlanta. Patients had told Kate Melioris other doctors, according to his endo and poor would prevent the her pregnancy. Dr. Lyons review.He carried out surgical excision and removal of endo and poor myomectomy. two children and four years later, Kate's family was featured ON CBS-Atlanta's Better Mornings, 10/12/10.


In 2004, when Kate Melioris had 37 he spent two or three weeks of each month, the pain, curled in a ball, ran out of bed is requested. His health problems involved in serious phase IV endometriosis and adhesions and two golf ball fibroid tumours of the uterus in his undertakings.

Internet search led to his laparoscopic excision and removal of specialist Dr. endo Tom Lyons, the first question to the patient with the poor is always, "what are your intentions about pregnancy?"He tells you that it is not uncommon to find the endometriosis and the poor, the same patients. Neither disease chronic pelvic pain, which is a known cause.

Although Kate and her husband were only dating back to the time, he's definitely the marriage and children. Other doctors had told him, he would never young, but Dr. Lyons ' own track record with the seeming "hopeless cases" talked about otherwise.

Rather than hysterectomy Dr. Lyons run myomectomy delete Kate's poor, surgical excision and removal of (the root of the article number below to view the Elimination of all forms of endometriosis) and adhesions, all make the small bodies, who received his back to his active life must be taken in rapid deletion.

"When I woke up from surgery 2004 already I felt better than 98%," said Kate, who is a member of the Educational Program at the St. Joseph Development Research Institute.

"If all the idea of how easy it would have had, I never have been kept in pain for so long. To know all of my friends, who are in pain, ' find someone to worry about it! "Of course, I recommend Dr. Lyons, "he said.

"Kate's case, an aggressive surgical excision and removal is required, but we have preserved one of the fallopian tubes, pipes and munasarjasta, uterus," said Dr. Lyons.He is one of the few GYNs in the United States, which shall carry out surgical excision and removal, on the other hand, that the mere use of the surface of the disease, lasering.

Surgical excision and removal of associated with out of the disease, much deeper than the surface of the roots of cutting off lasering. Surface ablation can be deployed quickly, it will grow back, just like weeds, that the mere mowed.According to Dr. Lyons, many patients have had four or five laser treatments, which create an area on top of scarring — and even a greater problem., however, after a thorough surgical excision and removal, they are likely to be at least 10 years free of pain.

Dr. Lyons explained that the procedure takes place via a small bodies using minimally invasive surgery in such a way as to be less visible scarring of the patient's pain, abdomen. can be reduced immediately."Often we can find them in the mall with a friendly alarm call the next," he laughed.

Two children Later …Kate opted for LSH

Kate married daughter and son and gave several years later seemed familiar to the pelvic pain and endometriosis. Disease occurs when the endometrial tissue, tissue that lines the uterus and during menstruation: specimens that form part of the outside of the uterus to grow.

"I think it may have a role to play in infertility endometriosis, but it is not the primary role," said Dr. Lyons, book What Do When doctor says it's endometriosis or poor: Everything You Need to Know the stop Pain and Heal your fertility (Fair winds Press).

July 2010, Kate came back to Dr. Lyons Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy-, in 1989, he developed a procedure which keeps the cervix to support women's place as aloittamallaan anatomy. He has trained surgeons around the world, hundreds of his LSH-technology.

Kate had his surgery performed Thursday and back to work after was Monday. within two weeks after he took his children to stay in a Florida.

"I knew Dr. Lyons was good; I felt very comfortable for him, because he is so low-keyed. most surgeons operate like rock stars – all ego — and he must hold that the transfer of data at all. [1] [2] He was feeling, but what he or she is not over-the-top emotional about. in 2004, of the first procedure after he gave me a video of the surgery and I knew: this is a man who rely on what he does!"said to Kate.

Dr. Lyons, who has been in the women's pelvic endometriosis, substances with pain and infertility problems more than 25 years, says that the correspondence is the key to your doctor.

"Even if you do not care, treatment options, there are many possibilities abound. pain relief with the physical symptoms. individual care assessment exam should own their own quality of life of a doctor in order to improve the way you desire to receive treatment. [1] [2] is responsible for you and your loved. [1] [2] in all of the benefit," he said.

Dr. Lyons Patients seek out around the world developed gynecological procedures, which he has developed, including laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy and laparoscopic Burch procedure for urinary stress incontinence. She also trains surgeons around the world in these procedures.

View the original article here

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